Past Projects

Click on the links to read about our past projects:

COMMIT help between 6 and 7 medical clinics every year in very remote villages. We offered medical exams, well check ups, dental, vision checks, health teaching, first aid training and medicine. Our moto is to do no harm so we strive to do more teaching and give out as few medications as possible. At the moment this is a past project.

An outhouse often provides the shelter for a pit latrine, which collects human feces in a hole in the ground. When properly built and maintained they candecrease the spread of disease by reducing the amount of human feces in the environment from open defecation. COMMIT has been happy to provide many villages with proper sanitation.

Dental care was provided during many of our medical clinics. A dental chair was donated which made the examinations, cleanings and extractions much easier. Unfortunately many extractions were done as the tooth decay was already so advanced. We had the honour of working with many Nicaraguan dentists over the years. This has become a past project but hopefully someday we can reimplement dental care.

Humanitarian aid not only provides temporary shelter for people affected by crises, but also offers materials, labor, and other resources to help communities and societies rebuild in the wake of disasters.

COMMIT has supported different villages with food and materials to rebuild their homes. Although on our past projects page, we will continue to assist and help where needed. 

First aid is the very first and the most prior medical care offered to a person who has experienced an unexpected sickness or injury in order to preserve their life, prevent the condition from deteriorating, or encourage recovery until thorough medical treatment can be administered. Making sound and calm decisions acts as a benefit for the injured person as it is an important element of first aid.

The villages that COMMIT works with in Nicaragua are often very remote and lack access to nearby medical care. Providing the people in these villages with this basica knowledge is very important to COMMIT.