Over the years people from various Rotary Clubs here in Canada, as well as the USA have joined our team to help make a difference in Nicaragua. Chip and Mary Honsinger joined us from Lexington VA, USA and David Knoppert and Aman Rai joined us from the Hyde Park Rotary Club in London, Ontario. Various other clubs from across Canada have also supported our projects, made aware by David Knoppert's bike ride across Canada..
Stratford’s Rotary Club has been meeting locally for over 100 years, and is a dynamic group of business and community leaders that come together to make a difference to our community and abroad. We are part of an international family of 1.4 million members belonging to one of 46,000 clubs located in almost every country of the world.
The mission of Rotary International is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
COMMIT is thankful to the Rotary Club of Stratford Charitable Foundation for taking us under their wing and supporting us through donations to our projects and for providing us with a tax umbrella. Your support has made it possible for us to do many of our projects.
COMMIT a largely self funding group that (years 2013 to present day) has raised over $100,000 and run medical and dental clinics, supported the local hospitals, primarily Nandaime, shipped containers of medical and school supplies, supported the schools in five villages with work books, created breakfast programs and music programs in schools, run sewing programs, have drilled 5 wells and built over 30 outhouses in two villages, have conducted courses in first aid.and built two communities centers. Very recently they started building stoves for their eco-friendly cookstove project.
To donate to COMMIT, etransfer to
foundation@rotarystratford.com (and specify COMMIT in your message)
or visit our Donate page for more options.