Casa de Piedra | 14 | 14 finished | 100% |
La EnRamada | 20 | 20 finished | 100% |
La Vigia | 27 | 27 finished | 100% |
Nandarola | 80 | 80 finished | 100% |
El Por Venir | 55 | 55 finished | 100% |
San Luis | 24 | 24 finished | 100% |
Los Jirones | 23 | 23 finished | 100% |
COMMIT is collaborating with Stove Team International to build up to 750 eco-friendly stoves over the next three years. These stoves, known as Justa stoves, are highly efficient, reducing carbon emissions and greenhouse gases by at least 50%. More importantly, they will significantly improve the health of users, particularly women and young children, who are frequently exposed to harmful smoke from traditional open-fire cooking methods.
Justa stoves utilize innovative rocket elbow technology, are well-insulated, and feature a smoke stack that vents to the outside, ensuring cleaner indoor air quality. By replacing open-fire cooking stoves, these stoves not only contribute to better health outcomes but also promote environmental sustainability. COMMIT is proud to support this transformative initiative, improving lives and reducing environmental impact in the communities we serve.
Three Nicaraguans were trained by Stove Team interanational in Guatamala on how to build the eco stoves and teach the people how to maintain them for sustainability. These men will receive a salary based on each stove built contributing to the microeconomy of the village. Stove committees and a contingency fund have been set up to monitor the condition and maintenance of the stoves, as well as pay for any repairs or replacements. Our trained stove builders are Erick, Danilo and Edgar. Pictured here is Erick building one of his stoves.
Stove building involves multiple steps and many hours of work, plus waiting time in between while the mortar dries.
During our 2023 multi-project trip, we created hyperlapse videos to show various stove building steps. Enjoy!
1. Sift sand to remove stones and debris.
2. Mix three buckets of sifted sand with 3/4 bag of cement. When ready to start laying stones for the base, add water and mix vigorously!
3. Create a flat platform for the stove base. This may include digging out a rectangle in the existing hard packed mud floor.
4. Build the stove base - this usually takes about 2 hours. Wait 24 hours for the mortar to fully dry.
5. Pour the top of the stove base to create a completely flat surface upon which the stove will be built. Wait 3 days for the mortar to fully dry.
6. Repeat step 2 to mix additional mortar for the stove.
7. Build the stove. This takes about 4 hours to finish. Wait 8 days for the stove to fully dry.
Sifting the Sand
Each family receiving an eco-friendly stove will receive help to build the base with some financial help from COMMIT. They will also receive new pots and pans to use on their new stoves. The villages of Nandarola, Casa de Piedra, Por Venir, La Enramada and La Vigie have been chosen for the initial build. Already each family has received trees which they have planted as a reforestation project in conjunction with the stoves. These trees will contribute to the remaining carbon deficit and will ensure a supply of fuel going into the future.
To donate to COMMIT, etransfer to
foundation@rotarystratford.com (and specify COMMIT in your message)
or visit our Donate page for more options.